first day on the job and first step towards a dream!


It wasn’t until a recent storm of events — all that I once perceived as another batch of obstacles that spun my way — that I was able to rip the bandaid off a 9-5 office job which was getting me nowhere. I was unhappy with the glass ceiling and being stuck in a cubicle the whole day rather than pursue a dream I’ve always had — to be a Chef. A real game changer in the restaurant business, not a t.v. personality, but that woman with a sharp set of knives and a what-the-hell attitude. Fearless in the pursuit of gastronomic epiphanies that would blow the taste buds off friends, family, strangers, & people seeking experiences not found at home.

This career decision came at a time when I was unemployed, a recent rag doll in a five car pile up on the 10 freeway, and year after graduating from UC-Irvine. I was sitting in my room alone or jogging up flights of stairs as if I was in the abyss and trenches of my mind seeking purpose and redesigning the future ahead of me. One night about two months ago, I was preparing dinner and thought to myself, “Why in the world am I not doing this right now for others?.” That’s when it happened, the floodgates poured open reawakening that dream in heart and that burning desire to be the Chef I always wanted to be. On September 5th… an even more moving moment happened… 100 Foot Journey… yea that movie about an Indian family who situates their restaurant in front of a Michelin Star restaurant in a small town in France. Crying my eyes out over the moments captured of food cooking and transforming into exquisite plates I said again, “This is for me (minus all the Hollywood glamour.”

Then my daily grind with Craigslist commenced…searching ads for entry level cooks at restaurants seeking to hire. Ad after Ad there were positions opened for people with professional experience…not a hobby chef that cooked for a private family for a couple years, not that girl who opened a French Crepe business on a whim and fancy… but for someone who has worked on the front lines of kitchen duty. Then without giving up hope I found THE ONE! A farm to table concept restaurant was looking to hire and without professional experience. I applied, interviewed twice, and got the position as a prep cook — (I said, “I want to learn it all from the bottom up! Even if I have to go home and practice cutting vegetables.”) Today I was white coated… not in medicine, but in the kitchen! I got to put my hat on, my coat, sharpen my set of knives and train for the first time using ultra professional equipment and preparing large batches of food for more than a one person meal! It literally was the most amazing 8 hour shift I’ve ever had in my working life — I was doing something I love, starting my journey to be the Chef I always wanted to be. No inhibitions or feeling too proud to work the prep kitchen. I can see though it’s definitely a man’s world, but if I have to work twice as hard to get there I’m more than willing to pull out my What-The-Hell attitude and do what’s necessary! There is nothing in this world that gives me more joy than seeing someone have a great gastronomic experience with my food. Perhaps it’s an ego trip or perhaps it’s guilty pleasure… but regardless I do what I do so I can see others happy first and foremost. My creativity is spoken through tastes and textures — what’s on your plate?



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